Join the Nashville Podcasters community at our upcoming meetups listed below. All are welcome! And as always, we provide food, drinks, great company and content to help you in your podcasting journey.
We are an intentional community gathering that meets every 2nd Wednesday night of the month 6pm (except December). Please see #NashPod Eventbrite for details on upcoming events, and your email inbox after you’ve subscribed.
Registration is free, open to any podcaster (or those considering podcasting)… invite any other podcasters you know in the area, please!
If you haven’t already, join our private Facebook group. Special thanks to our venue host, the Nashville Entrepreneur Center.
A few details about parking… Upon your visit to the Nashville Entrepreneur Center (EC) please park in the garage. Bring your ticket inside the building with you. Upon arriving at the EC please be sure to get your ticket validated inside at our event for free parking.
Questions? Want to sponsor? Say hi here.